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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Latest News on Gist Baby #4! :)

Hi, Praying People in our Lives!

Where do I begin????  First of all, Mark and I are absolutely blown
away (once again) at the way the body of Christ has stepped up and
overwhelmed us with kind service in the name of Jesus!!!  Your rewards
will be in Heaven and there is no earthly way we could ever hope to
repay you....  So, if you don't have time for a lengthy email, maybe
you could just listen to the attached song and let the Lord bless you
through it today.

Little did I know when Lisa (my sister) and I chose to sing "Out of
the Depths" together at Lakeside Bible Church in Montgomery, Texas on
August 2nd, that the lyrics would grow to become an even greater
comfort than they had previously. (Some of you may be aware of my
battle with depression and insomnia in 2008. The end of that battle
came exactly one year to the day (Aug. 3rd 2008) that I went forward
in church and was prayed for so specifically for all that was
tormenting my soul (w/o sharing my need). From that day forward, I was
freed on so many levels and I give God ALL the glory for that! That's
all to say, here I am with the Lord showing Himself so graciously and
being my sustanence in the depths, once again.  We all have "stuff"
that we are facing and my prayer for each one of you receiving this is
that you might be comforted in your "stuff" just as I am by my Jesus!

Here's the news as of the doc appt. yesterday:

- Cyst inside the left (and only) is HALF as big as it was on August
11th when we first saw it! :)
- If in 3 weeks, when I go for a recheck, things look the same/better,
there will be no need for surgery!!!! :)  (I must confess, many of
you, including my beloved Mark, prayed for this, but I sure did not
have the faith to pray this way.  I figured I would just be grateful
to make it to the 12 - 17 week surgery time without the cyst rupturing
and keeping itself "status quo"....THANKS FOR YOUR FAITHFUL
- The tear in the placenta is completely healed!
- The extra sac of blood/fluid (doc was never quite sure what it was)
is gone!  There is only one mysterious line of blood underneath the
placenta, but he wasn't too concerned about that.
- The baby is 9 and a 1/2 weeks now and looking like a baby!  The
heartbeat is strong and "she" (at least a 1/2 dozen of you have told
me you think it's a girl so we'll go with that unless we learn
otherwise...ha! Ha! :) was even "dancing" as Dr. McNeely described
- I have be "released" from complete bed rest, but if the
spotting/bleeding starts again, I have to stay flat until I have had 2
days free from it.  I am allowed to walk around "gingerly" as Dr.
McNeely put it and not lift anything too heavy.

Prayer Requests:

- Continued strength and faith for our family as we take each day in
stride, accepting help where we should.
- Pain of the cyst...still there, but not as severe. :)
- Health of baby.
- Tina to know her all know I have trouble with this.

Congrats to those of you who made it through this!  Our family is so
blessed to have you in our lives and we love you all!

Hoping in the Cross,

PS Here are the lyrics for the attached song, "Out of the Depths"!  Be

Words and music by Bob Kauflin

As recorded on Psalms

Out of the depths, O Lord, I cry to You
When I am tempted to despair
Though I might fail to trust Your promises
You never fail to hear my prayer
And if You judged my sin
I’d never stand again
But I see mercy in Your hands

So more than watchmen for the morning
I will wait for You, my God
When my fears come with no warning
In Your Word I’ll put my trust
When the harvest time is over and I still see no fruit
I will wait, I will wait for You

The secret mysteries belong to You
We only know what You reveal
And all my questions that are unresolved
Don’t change the wisdom of Your will
In every trial and loss
My hope is in the cross
Where Your compassions never fail