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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Salvation Stories....Grace Abounds...

Seth's Story: It was a typical Tuesday, September 29th, 2009. Noah and Chloe were at preschool while I was home schooling Seth. He was having difficulty obeying and needed to be disciplined. He broke into tears and said, "I just can't obey." I told him that he was right. Without the power of the Holy Spirit in his life he could not truly obey and that He needed Jesus to be His Savior from sin. Mark and I had told this to him many, many times over the years, but never had it really clicked. Seth just peacefully stopped and looked at me. I asked if he wanted to pray and ask Jesus to be His Savior, forgive him of his sin, and fill him with the Holy Spirit so he would be able to obey. He said he did. We prayed together....he wanted help, even though he had often prayed on his own in the past...he often fears not doing things "perfectly" and we are helping him with that. Anyway, afterwards, he had a big smile and seemed so relieved! I told him angels were rejoicing for his soul in Heaven and that he would get to go to Heaven when he died! He was so happy about that, but made sure Mommy & Daddy would be going there, too. Later that day it, rained and as it stopped and the sun came out, there was a huge, beautiful rainbow that filled the sky in the front of the house. Seth spotted it out the upstairs, front window and said, "Mom, come look!!!" I reminded him of Noah and God's promise to him. Then Seth said that maybe God put it there for because of God's promise to be his Savior. I couldn't argue with that and now every time Seth shares his salvation story, he includes the rainbow that God sent that day! Each time since, when we see a rainbow, Seth remembers that special day. Noah's Story: On Sunday, October 18th, 2009, Noah was saved. It was a typical bedtime and I was tucking the boys in bed. While it was my turn to pray, Noah interrupted my prayer and said, "Mom, I REALLY want to be a Christian! Can I?" Since Mark was home, I said, "Just a minute, Honey. Let me go get Daddy." So I hurried down the hall and got Mark out of bed so he could be there when Noah was saved! Mark, led Noah in praying and when he was done, we told him that the angels were rejoicing for him in Heaven. We reminded him that now he, too, had the Holy Spirit alive inside him who would help him not sin. He knows he does still sin and will as long as he is here on earth, but what a difference it has made in his life, knowing he has the power of the Holy Spirit inside! Both Seth and Noah have continued to struggle in sin, but what a difference we as the parents have seen in the softness of their hearts and the desire to choose the right path. We continue to encourage them to rejoice in the Gospel and the grace given them by their Savior Jesus. We want them not to be discouraged by their sin, but encouraged that they can see how precious Jesus blood and sacrifice on the cross was for them as they now have the hope of eternal life with their Lord forever in Heaven!